Flyers (HOS)

Healthcare Flyers (HOS)
Our condition specific flyers are the perfect tool to build relationships with physicians and patients alike.

Rack Cards (HOS)
Condition Specific Rack Cards
Market your agency’s services with our fully personalized rack cards. These rack cards inform and educate seniors about conditions that affect many aging adults.
These 4” X 9” double-sided cards fit all standard rack and brochure stands which are easily displayed at referral sources’ offices, emergency rooms, and other medical waiting areas.

Eligibility Quick Reference Guide (HOS)
Help physicians determine if hospice care is appropriate for their patient with our Hospice Eligibility Quick-Reference Guide.

Choosing Hospice Flyer for Physicians (Hospice Compare Scores) (HOS)
Stand out from other providers in your market with flyers that spell out for physician referral sources the excellent services you will provide to their patients. Your CMS Hospice Compare scores will be highlighted with at-a-glance graphs on the reverse side (up to 4 graphs included).

The Real Truth About Hospice Flyers (HOS)
This flyer addresses many myths concerning hospice and details important facts related to eligibility and care. Fully personalized to your agency, the flyer is a must-read for referral sources and the patient community.